(740) 668-2194
(740) 263-1234
25580 Bell Church Road, Utica, OH 43080
Your destination for training, equipment and facilities to serve a growing public and private need for all hazards emergency preparedness with a professional and personal approach
State Approved Curriculum for Armed School Staff Essential Training
Defensive Shotgun Course
Our defensive shotgun course combines tactics learned in active combat and competitive shooting to give the student the ultimate in defensive training with a shotgun. Students will learn and apply close quarters battle tactics along with reloading and multiple position shooting and shooting while moving to improve their skill set with the most universal home defense firearm available.
Cost: $100 nonmembers $50 members
*Class begins at 10:00 am
For more information and/or to find sign up for our next course, please contact us at Elite Preparedness on Facebook, call
(740) 668-2194 (740) 263-1234 or email elitepreparedness@gmail.com