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This advanced tactical handgun course involves shooting from and around a vehicle. Escaping from hostile encounters while you are operating a vehicle and how to make your vehicle an extension of your "preparedness toolkit".  It is a review of Ohio law for self defense in a vehicle and encountering and escaping violent human road block scenarios. Using the latest tactics and lessons learned methodologies from recent events, this course is a must for those serious about improving their defensive capabilities in everyday scenarios.


Course cost is $100 for nonmembers and $50 for members.  


This course requires 100 rounds of ammunition, and a strong side hip holster is required. Students wishing to participate must hold a current CCW license or pass a competency assessment with one of our instructors to meet course eligibility requirements

To reserve your spot, go to the menu at the top of this page, click on BOOK ONLINE and follow the steps to reserve your spot.  You can either call us at (740) 668-2194 (740) 263-1234 or email us at:

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Monday 11AM-7PM

Tuesday 11AM-7PM

Wednesday. Appointment Only

Thursday 11AM-7PM

Friday 11AM-7PM

Saturday 10AM-5PM

Sunday 12PM-5PM 

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